Baby Growth and Development

  • The foundations of a VIGURINE BABY

Your child, the apple of your eye is the most important and amazing thing that has happened in your life. It is Allah’s blessing that He has rewarded you with the most precious gift. The care of your child starts from day one. B.M.A Pharma has got you covered in every aspect to help your child grow stronger, healthier and a happier child.

  • For Colic: Vigurine Colic Drops
  • For the development of strong digestive system: Vigurine Ghutti
  • For healthy and strong body development: Vigurine Baby Massage oil
  • For immunity, strength and good health: Vigurine Syrup
  • For lack of appetite: Vigurine Apiton Syrup
  • Milestones of a Developing Baby

As a new parent you are always inquisitive and concerned about the baby’s growth and development. An endless list of questions in your mind adds to your worries. You start comparing if the other babies are growing as slow or as fast as your new born baby. You keep cross checking with the doctor whether your baby is development okay and prepare a check list of milestones. It is okay to be apprehensive and nervous as a new parent, you are just being protective about your child and that’s a good thing.

But what are the general parameters that establish the fact that your baby is doing just fine? It is natural for you to get restless. The first 3 months, your level of anxiety is pretty high because you are new to the parenting business.

Listed below are some physical, social and cognitive achievements that the baby achieves in the initial 12-15 weeks. This may come handy and may ease your concerns a bit. As the baby’s bones and muscles grow, the baby might start looking a lot thinner and taller.

  1. The baby will develop a keen interest in watching and observing faces fixedly. The baby will also start following moving objects. You’d notice that the baby observes the fan moving and enjoys it a lot. This is a sign that the baby’s vision is improving so help the baby with the process. You may place some toy hangings over your baby’s crib. You can also try placing a mirror somewhere close to the crib. Your baby will enjoy seeing his own movements.
  • If you place the baby by his stomach, it would try and lift his upper body with the help of his/her arms. Encourage the baby to do it more often as this will help him/her learn quickly to roll over and crawl. Spending time by the belly is really important for the baby’s speedy growth.
  • The most awaited moment for any new parent is the first time their baby speaks. Even a little babble is more than joyous for the parent. Though learning to talk is a later stage, the baby does start babbling by the third month. Talk to the baby often and excite him to talk back to you. The baby will begin to babble which in turn develops his vocal chords.
  • The baby will also start kicking and stretching their legs as the muscles develops. They will also learn to coordinate their body movements and sync them with the visual movement.
  • USE B.M.A Pharma’s Vigurine Baby Massage oil for their strong bones and muscle development.
  • Use B.M.A Pharma’s Vigurine Colic Drops for colic pains.
  • Use B.M.A Pharma’s Vigurine Ghutti for the development of strong digestive system.
  • Handling a Fussy Eater

A majority of toddlers are picky eaters and the mothers have to face the challenge of feeding fussy eaters during mealtimes. The first challenge for a mother would be to dodge those mealtime battles. This will only make the child fuss even more over the food. Remember that the toddler has just found his independence and eating food perched on a high chair is most certainly not his priority. There is a lot of excitement in a child’s world as they have just discovered independence and control. In fact, children will try to do exactly the opposite of what you do. Here are some tips on how to handle a fussy eater.

  • Do not Bribe or punish

In your anxiety, do not force the child to eat. At times, parents unrealistically force their child to have food that is much over their limit. Give your little one a smaller portion of food to eat and keep giving refills later on.

·         Introduce New Foods

At times, your child might relish a certain fruit and detest it the following day. Do not give up, simply reintroduce them in a different manner and trick your child with the visual presentation.

·         Allow Your Child to Experience the Food

If your child likes the look of a food, then do not stop them from smelling or licking the food as they are using their other senses to explore it.

·         Do Not Force Food down Your Child’s Throat

Do not set unrealistic expectations about how much quantity your child should eat. It is the child who should decide that. Forcing children to clean their plate against their wish, could lead to unhealthy eating and obesity.

·         Do Not Keep Repeating a Certain Food

At times, you would be surprised to see that your child has a fixation for a certain food that he or she will eat at each meal time. Do not fall into the idea of doing so. Allow them to indulge, but at the same time, choose food yourself.

  • Use B.M.A Pharma’s Vigurine Apitone Syrup for the children who lack appetite.
  • Baby Growth & Development

The developmental markers get really exciting as the time pass by. The new born baby is growing fast and you also get familiar with the baby’s activities. By now you know how to feed the baby, when to feed, how to take care of his sleep and other requirements. Like the previous milestones, these milestones enlist important markers which signify the baby’s timely growth.

The various baby development milestones include physical, social, and cognitive growth achievements of the baby. In terms of the physical attributes, the baby develops his full coloured vision. By the 4th month, the baby can identify the subtle difference between the various shades. You will realize that the baby tends to get attracted towards bright red and blue shades and enjoys seeing colourful toys. As soon as you switch on the TV, the baby will look at it fixedly.

By the third month the baby had started recognizing familiar voices and faces. The baby’s visual

and cognitive abilities are building simultaneously. You’d observe that the baby gradually starts identifying faces and voices. You can know this for sure as the baby will start responding to their own name. You can help develop their recall ability by repeating common names of people and objects that the baby encounters frequently. Names like Mama/Mummy, Papa etc are something baby will recognize easily. Your child will look at you and pass a generous pink gummy smile at

the sound of these familiar names. Acknowledge and reward your child with hugs and kisses to encourage more. Another cognitive achievement of the baby is its response to the command ‘No’. Your baby will be also able to identify the difference in the pitch of your voice and will be able to understand the meaning of certain words. Use a firm voice to tell your child what they are not supposed to and they will listen and act accordingly. Your baby’s muscles are strengthening

every passing day and they are becoming physically stronger.

By the fourth month you will be able to see visible changes in them. Like he/she was able to lift upper body up with the help of their hands, now he will be able to sit on his own with the support of his hands. The child will put his hands to the front of his/her body and sit in the tripod position. Encircle him/her with pillows for support and help him/her develop his strength. The baby will also develop the grip of his/her hands. He/she will use raking grasp to pull objects closer to him. Try teasing him with his favorite toy or soft cushiony bed sheets. He will reach for the toy and try to pick them up and pull them closer.

  • USE B.M.A Pharma’s Vigurine Baby Massage oil for their strong bones and muscle development.
  • USE B.M.A Pharma’s Vigurine Syrup to build immunity to fight against diseases and better health.
  • Eating, Crying & Crawling

Eating – Once baby has developed a raking grip, the baby will also be able to hold her own bottle and will try to finger feed himself. He will try to taste different food items and will try to sip milk from his bottle. Your baby will show a keen interest in solid foods and will want to eat whatever you are eating but do not rush and give him solids. Consult your pediatrician and know if the baby is ready for solids. The digestive system takes time to develop and there are different food levels for the baby. Swallowing food may choke the baby and chewing the food properly is not possible this early. Once the doctor asks you to start feeding the baby with solids, begin with semi-solids and gradually move towards the solid foods. Once the baby develops the ability to have solids, give him some dry cereals, soft fruits, biscuits, mashed potato, rice and boiled eggs etc. Starting too early with solids also pose a risk of developing food allergies so keep the pediatrician informed.

Crying – The baby is gradually learning and developing his emotional quotient and understands feelings. He responds with to feeling like happiness with gestures like smiling; similarly he also understands sorrow and responds by crying. He cries when he senses separation or anxiety, he’d cry. He will have a set of identified familiar faces that he is comfortable with. While you leave him alone, try to ensure that those familiar faces/family members are around the baby so that the baby does not feel scared or restless. Giving your baby a sense of security is really important for your baby’s emotional growth.

Crawling – The new born baby is slowly developing muscle strength. He has a raking grip, holds your thumb, kicks, sits all by himself, tries to chew and swallow food etc. Now is the time the baby will attempt and try to crawl by his belly. This is as exciting as it is worrisome. The baby will want to move more and more and explore. He will constantly be in motion so try not to leave him alone. The baby might turn over and fall. The best way to let your baby explore his crawling skills is to make him crawl on your tummy and chest. You can also try leaving him on soft even surfaces. Spread a bed sheet over the floor and let your baby enjoy his freshly developed talent.

·         Growth and Development of Toddler

May be your baby is growing faster than you imagined or did the time just fly? Where did the first year go? So much has changed in your life and you’ve come quite far with the baby. The baby has grown so much since birth and the changes now are more evident and dramatic. Every month was a milestone and now, each day is one. There was a time when you would struggle feeding mashed bananas and now he wishes to smash them with his tiny little hands. But stay put, there is more to come.

·         Mobility

With bated breath you have waited for the baby to stand on his tiny feet and walk with you holding your hands. As much elated as you may be, you need to double your attention and stay alert all the time. Till the time your child was immobile you could freely move around the house doing your work but now he is a grown up toddler who is always on the move. He cannot sit still so you can no more place your baby in the centre of the bed and move around. So ensure that all your surroundings are baby proof. Cover those electric plugs, place the glassware on higher places and see if the floors are clear so that the baby doesn’t topple and get hurt. While you are extra cautious about the baby’s security there is good news as well. Baby’s mobility also means that you will have you carry him less often. That means a lot of relief for your back.

·         Language

Your child now does more than just crying and extending arms to communicate with you. All the babbling and inarticulate but cute jabber is gradually emerging to form meaningful words. From a gurgling laughter to saying a distinct dada or mama, your little one is learning to talk. Communicate more with him. Read stories, interact, look him in the eyes while you ask him something or are generally talking to him. By the age of 1, your baby should be able to speak his first official word. Do not be afraid if he is taking time. Let him learn at his own pace but if it is bothering you a little too much, consult a pediatrician. That should take care of your anxiety.

·         Engagement

As your baby grows his physical, mental and cognitive abilities, the baby tries to keep himself engaged all the time. He is curious when your telephone rings and looks inquisitively to understand what it is. Give him an abacus to play and he will be amused and engaged all day long. This self engagement is really good. To make it more exciting, let your toddler observe you while you complete your daily household chores.

·         Demands

Your baby has been really obedient and cooperative till now. He did whatever you wanted him to do. But now you may notice that he has a demand and choice of his own. He will demand a particular toy he wants, or might protest from wearing some clothes that make him feel uncomfortable. He is developing a personality of his own and will communicate his likes and dislikes to you more clearly.


v  Give your loved ones the best care they deserve.


v  Vigurine Children Syrup                          

v  Vigurine Baby Massage Oil

v  Vigurine Colic Drops                                

v  Vigurine Ghutti

v  Apitone Syrup

v  BMA Arq Shireen

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